Bilgola Holiday House Styling

This Bilgola Property was recently transformed by our Novari Projects and Property Styling division. The house was dark and dated, in need of an update to appeal to the Northern Beaches market. With the help of trade work and property styling, this Bilgola Holiday House was transformed into a light and airy property that celebrated the coastal and bush views. The following trades completed:
Internal Painting
New Ceiling Lights Through-out
Exterior Car Port Reinforced
Sand & Polish Floorboards
Entry Tiled Area Resurfaced
Rubbish / Waste Disposal
High Pressure Clean Front & Rear
Kitchen Resurface
New Carpet Throughout
Bathroom Resurface
Powder Room Resurface
Window Glazing
Installation of New Sky Light
Pre Market Professional Clean
2. LIVING BEFORE 2. Living After
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3. Outdoor Before 3. Outdoor After
5. Bedroom Before 5. Bedroom After
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To find out more about how Novari Projects can help add value to your property, request a free quote and chat to us today.